



Status: Complete


economic completeness.

No doubt Canada has much to do before she
integrates her resources; like all the world, she has her urgent
social and political questions; but I firmly believe that every
problem is soluble, that every difficulty is temporary and remediable.
I come to you with fresh eyes and, I hope, an open mind, but
I am very certain that no Canadian is prouder of his country than
I am, or believes more devoutly in her future.

In the destiny of Canada Vancouver must play a vital - I
had almost said a dominant - part. For she is the window out of
which Canada looks towards the East. She is the gateway to the
Pacific. For forty-five deep-sea lines use her harbour.
She clears annually twelve million tons of shipping. She is the chief
winter grain port of the world. It is not for me to forecast the
future, but it is very clear that the East and the Pacific must play a
major part in international affairs. It may well be that Vancouver
will become the strategic vantage point in the economy of Canada and
of the Empire. You are prepared for anything that fate may bring
you, for you have a province whose riches have been scarcely tapped,
a noble city and a strong and self-confident people. I am certain
that when, fifty years hence, you celebrate your centenary you will
look back upon even your present distinguished position as no more
than the day of small things.

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