




[handwritten at top] Return from Mountains near July 28 (Tus) Leave for West Aug 6


June 5, 1936.

My dear Tweedsmuir:-

Your suggestion of Quebec the very end of July is most appealing. I, too, hope to be in, or rather off, the shore of the Maritime Provinces, for I hope to make a cruise on a small schooner, with three of my boys as crew, during the last two weeks of July, starting from somewhere in Maine and cruising over to the southern end of Nova Scotia (Cape Sable), and thence back to Campobello Island, New Brunswick, where we have long had a cottage.

As far as I can now tell, it would be very easy to take the train from there to Quebec, going from you straight back to Washington. All of this must still be tentative until I know when the Congress will go home. They are in the kind of a tax bill complication which may end next Monday and may continue for another two weeks. Next week, if they do not adjourn, they will take nominal recess during the Republican Convention and I shall try to slip off to the Centennials in Arkansas and Texas, returning immediately to Washington.

I am greatly looking forward to seeing you. Both of us will have busy summers. My travels will, like yours, be somewhat in the nature of an exposition tour. That, after all, is a very satisfactory way of campaigning.

Always sincerely, Franklin D Roosevelt

His Excellenc y The Rt. Hon. Baron Tweedsmuir of Elsfield , G. C. M., Governor General of Canada , Ottawa, Canada.

Last edit over 1 year ago by Khufu
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