



Status: Complete

concerned, of holding to the straight
party system, in preference to attempting
national governments where there are
more than the two parties. The government
is pretty certain to receive
support from one or other of the
opposing groups for what is in accord
with the will of the people, and
is pretty certain to leave altogether
alone measures that are not.
I found that to be the case when
we were in office between 1921
and 1925, with a Liberal majority over all of
only one. That parliament in fact,
as I pointed out at its close, was
the parliament of largest majorities
for this government of any up to
that time. Sometimes, support came
from the right, sometimes from
the left, seldom, only once in fact,
as I recall, did the extremes unite
against us, at which time the actual
majority was 3 or 5.

I doubt if any parliament in
Canada since Confederation enacted
in the course of its entire term
as many measures of importance
as we put through in the one session
just concluded. Certainly, at no
first session of any parliament,
were so many election promises

I was glad to be able conscientiously
to wire you as I did as to not
returning to Ottawa for prorogation.
Could I have fixed the hour, or
even the day, with certainty, I
would have held to our original

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