



Status: Complete


I am terribly distressed to learn of the
anxiety you have had concerning your second boy at home
though my feelings are partially relieved by the word
that your latest news has been reassuring. Do tell Lady
Tweedsmuir how deeply I feel for you both in this anxiety.
If I am not mistaken, Lady Tweedsmuir intends to visit
England this autumn. It will be a great comfort both to
her and to your son to look forward to seeing each other at
that time. If you will let me have your son's address, I
shall endeavour, before my return from abroad, to look
him up so that I may be able to bring the latest word of
him to you on my return.

I had a charming letter from Mrs. Buchan only a
few days ago. I thought she would enjoy hearing from
me of the Quebec visit and particularly of yourself as you
appeared on the night you passed through Ottawa. So I
wrote her briefly of the visit and of yourself. I am
hoping that before I return, I may find it possible to pay
a hurried visit to Scotland just so as to see Mrs. Buchan
while abroad. This may be difficult to arrange but if I can
manage it at all, I can think of few things which would
afford me more real pleasure.

Since the Ministers' return from overseas, we
have all been very busy. We have had several Cabinet
meetings each week. This week we shall, with the exception
of today (Labor Day), be in session every day until I leave
on Friday night. Some progress has been made in trade
negotiations with the British Government. I think Euler's
visits to Russia and Germany have been beneficial. They
have served to clear up a number of vexatious points in the
administration of the customs laws. As between Canada and
both these countries, I look forward for some slight increase
of trade. The embargo which was, some years ago, placed by
Canada on four or five commodities from Russia will be
removed. Euler has been able to secure an undertaking with
respect to the importation of coal from Russia into Canada
which will lessen the possibility of importations into Canada
on any embarrassing scale. The arrangements should be helpful
to the British Government as well. Naturally, the British

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