




Governor-General's Train Canada

Nov: 21: 36

My own most precious one

I am writing this among the snowy woods of the North as we are bumping our way to Winnipeg. John and Eric will soon be enjoying all the pleasures of a Retreat from Moscow!

The Toronto Winter Fair was great fun. The exhibits were a record, and far ahead of Chicago. I spent yesterday morning going over the exhibits, and being photographed fondling sheep & cattle. Gordon Perry's luncheon was a great affair. The British army team are doing very well & are immensely popular. It includes my friend Sir Peter Grant Lawson, & one of the young Fanshawes, who said he was at Elsfield the other day (Mrs Duncan Marshall, wife of the Ontario minister of Agriculture, told me she attended an [Women's] Institute meeting this summer in the Elsfield Barn). We had tea with the Bruces, who

Last edit 6 months ago by Stephen


won a lot of trophies for Ayshire cattle/. We dined with them in the evening - a big dinner with a lot of nice Americans, & then I went in state to the Show. Jack Cobham & Viola are delightful people, & have made the best impression. There were constant inquiries for you. Sandwell (of the 'Saturday Night') said he hoped to have you for a regular contributor, & was very proud of it.

I fear you will have to sail on Dec. "24", for Jan 2 would not get you here till the 10th, and that leaves very little time for preparation. It is a horrid bore for you spending Xmas at sea. We shall probably have a secret visit from Walter Runciman about the 16th. The Mrs S imbroglio gets daily worse.

I never stop longing for you, my own darling. My dearest love to my brave William.

from John.

Last edit 6 months ago by Stephen
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