





is taken by necessitous officials. Carol himself is a great point of solidity he is immensely popular - and since his divorce; married to Lupescue - a quiet discreet woman - and good looking - whom we saw at the Bibescu's - She now appears in public - and the Press Campaign against her was run by Titulescu and Queen Marie - I could tell you much about this - It is an amazing story. Carol is terrified of Russia and wants assurances from us - his orientation is towards Germany rather than France

Last edit 6 months ago by ubuchan


and with perfect reason I think - I have seen Jimmy Alba in London - his house is completely destroyed. All the pictures in it too. He had sent them to the Bank of Spain - but the Communists who made his house their headquarters. (Not the Gvt who was helpless) got them from the bank and hung them up again. His brother Hernando - who was desperately ill in a hospital in Madrid was seized and taken off to Valencia. This all happened 10 days ago. Jimmy learnt all this from his old English groom who had just escaped with his English passport. All the atrocities are confirmed by the M.P.s

Last edit 6 months ago by Stephen


just returned from Spain. J and I am sending you a v. interesting document of the beginning of the rising - which shows clearly what was happening in Spain at the time - yet even now people like Euan Wallace are staunch supporters of what they are pleased to call the Spanish Government and others equally responsible say it does not matter which side wins - the episode of the crew of the British ship who refused to sail to Cartagena is only another case in point - I hope you can read this - the men were exonerated by the Court at Malta for refusing to obey their

Last edit 6 months ago by Stephen


Captain - they had a hundred lorries on board for the Spanish Govt - which the men said were contraband - and Ormsby Gore had sent a wire to say there was nothing contraband on board to which the reply of the Court was that he had been misled - The world in truth is topsy-turvy minded.

Forgive this long badly written letter but I did not like to type all the first part - some was quite private - but not from you.

All good wishes to you both for a v[er]y happy Christmas and New Year - Always yours with love


Last edit 6 months ago by Stephen
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