



Status: Complete

for all our sakes and don't work yourself
out in middle life. Your Augustus arrived
the other day and lies by my bedside
when I have a lovely time reading him
for half-an-hour or so each night. It is
almost the first real book I have tackled
for a long time and I am enjoying it
keenly. How your manage to write these
books on the top of all you do is a
miracle! But then I was never one of
the world's workers, so I can't write
as we are urged to do.

I lunched with Neville yesterday whom
I hadn't seen since the day he took over
from me and was glad to notice how fit
and keen he looked. His health has become
of the first importance. I have just
written a short introduction to Barrie's
"Greenwood Hat" which is to be published
very soon. I am told he wanted it published
before his death. This is only a scribble of
affection: I'll be able to write a decent letter before long.

Ever yours S. B.

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S. B. is the recently resigned British Prime Minister, Stanley Baldwin.