


Status: Complete



Graduation in

that the following gentlemen, who had appeared as candidates for the
degrees of Doctor of Medicine in this University, had satisfied
the examiners of their proficiency in the various branches; and
be accordingly proposd that that degree should be conferred
upon them: viz. Archibald K. Aylsworth, James Beckett, John
L. Bray, Chamberlen A. Irwin, Issac F. Ingersoll, Joseph
U. Shirley, Charles V. Watson, Thomas B. Howells, Robert
Kineaid, James W. McCammon, Edward G. Ferguson, R.B.
Ferguson, H. F. Coleman, John Chanonhouse, U. D. Eliwell,
Thomas McLean, Thomas K. Ross, Joseph B. Ruttan,
John R. Smith, Thomas Sullivan, John A. Wilson, Horace
P. Romans, B.A. It was proposed further that
Andrew Moore and Alfred S. Oliver, who had passed their
examinations last year, but had not then reached their majority,
should now have the degree of Doctor of Medicine
conferred upon them. In accordance with the report from
the Medical Faculty the Senate agreed to confer on the
gentlemen proposed the degree of Doctor of Medicine,
& agreed further to meet in the Convocation Hall on
Thursday the 26th inst. for the purpose of publicly
conferring the same.

It was also reported that Mr. A.T.C. Connor had
passed a satisfactory examination & it was accordingly
agreed that he should receive his diploma when he attains
his majority.

Resolved further, that it be left to the Medical
Faculty to decide as to which of the graduates should receive

The meeting was then closed with the benediciton

William Leitch

Queen's University, 10th April 1863

Hood of LL. B.

This day the College Senate met and was constituted,
the Very Rev. Principal in the Chair. Sederunt Professors Williamson,
Weir, Mowat, Lawson, Murray, Dickson and Kennedy.

The minutes of the previous meeting having been read
and sustained, it was agreed, in accordance with a suggestion
from the Faculty of Law, that the hood for the Bachelor of
Laws in this University should be black with a white silk border

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