


Status: Complete



twenty second and twenty third instant were read and sustained.

The minutes of meeting held between the twenty third
day of February and the third day of March inclusive were, after
amendment, sustained.

Motion to reconsider
the decision
in Mr. Noel's case

It was moved by Professor Murray, seconded by
Professor Horatio Yates:

It having been brought to the notice of the Senate that
there is an appearance of informality in the mode of taking
the vote in the case of Mr. Noel, the Senate resolves to
reconsider the decision.

The motion was unanimously agreed to.

The complaint of Professor Bell and the reply of
Mr Noel were again read.

It was then moved by Professor Murray seconded
by Professor Fowler,

The Senate having considered the complaint of
Professor Bell against Mr John R Noel, B.A. , and the statement
of Mr Noel in reply, find as follows:

That the language of Mr Noel, as admitted in his
own statement, is highly improper in itself, unbecoming in a
graduate and a student of Mr. Noel's standing, disrespectful
to Professor Bell and his colleagues, and that it constitutes
a serious act of insubordination.

Be it therefore resolved,
That Mr Noel be rusticated from this Univerisity
for one year from the third day of March.

It was moved, as an amendment, by Professor Williamson
seconded by Professor Horatio Yates.
The Senate, having further considered the matter
of Professor Bell's complaint against John R. Noel, Student
of Medicine find as follows:

That the conduct of Mr Noel, in respect of the
language Mr Noel admits having used, is, in the opinion
of the Senate, notwithstanding alleged estimations, highly
improper in itself, unbecoming the character and pretensions
of a student of Mr Noel's standing, disrespectful to
Professor Bell and his colleagues, and subversive
of the order which it is necessary to maintain in this
institution, and that therefore the use of it constitutes
a serious act of insubordination, that, while a severer

J. Clark Murray, Secretary

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