


Status: Complete


Newcastle March 15/87

Mr. Tilton Esq
Depty Minister of Fisheries

In pursuance with
your request, I am making
arrangements for transferring
a number of ova to the Magog,
St Jn River, and Bedord Hatchery,
be carrying this out Mr Charles
Wilmot--will leave here with
certain quantities for each of the
above nurseries: -- The officer in
charge of the Magog House will
be notified to meet the Shipment
at Montreal, and take his supply
from Mr Wilmot; In the same way
Mr A.B. Wilmot will be instructed
to meet his quota at Montreal
and take the eggs on to his Hatchery.
Mr. Charles Wilmot will then go
on and deliver the St Jn River Eggs
in person to Mr McCluskey, and
also fill up the incubators for the
White fish Eggs -- I do not think
it advisable to send any Ova
of the Trout, or White fish to Miramichi
this Season, as the necessary



Newcastle March 16/87

Mr. Tilton Esq
Depty Minister of Fisheries


Referring to your telegram
of this day relative to transport of
White-Eggs to B.C. I answered thus:

“One week latest limits. (be stripped). Mowat
“could be ordered to meet messenger at
“Regina: will write instructions along
“with messenger -- precarious all through
“Mowat writes me he has discovered
“(and Eaten) White Fish in B.C. lakes.”

Should you therefore decide
to send White-fish eggs to B.C. give
me immediate orders so that I can
instruct Mr [Parker?] or some other
officer to get all things in readiness
for their carriage. I wrote “precarious”
in my message from the fact of the
long journey, and especially so, as
particular “setting up” will be required
at the Hatchery to suit the working
of the Automatic Glass Incubators, which
I fear Mowat knows nothing about
as he never had any experience in
[?] [?] [?] [?]

Notes and Questions

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William Knight

First draft of a transcription done several years ago. This accounts for me skipping about in the page order as I am cutting and pasting several transcriptions I made during research at the ROM. Also taking advantage of marking blank pages and bleeding through pages as I encounter them.


I think instead of St New River Hatchery, it should be St Jn River Hatchery, with Jn representing a short form for John. It reads as if Wilmot is arranging transportation of ova from eastern hatcheries (the Magog, the St Jn River and Bedford Hatcheries) to be picked up in Montreal. I will leave it and let you change if you agree. Great work on these two pages!

William Knight

I agree. Good deduction!