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Status: Complete

Friday, Jan.9th
Rode this morn at peep of day:
walked to the dwelling place of the dead. Must all
the beaming faces I have seen in [?] today
moulder in the grave. May the eternal home of our
spirits be in Heaven.
O that my head was larger and my mind
stronger, so as to [?] digest all the food which
is given them. Such quick successions of new ideas,
new plans and modes of teaching almost distract
me. My greatest axiety is fear I lose
some of the truths my teachers tell me, and
thus cause them to labor in vain, and myself,
less useful in after life. I now reap the bitter
fruits of indulging in habits of inattention
all my life. I have a great deal to unlearn
as well as learn. Misspelled two words this morn
I was sorry. Reflections on the past, do us good
only as [?} they cause us to make good
resolutions for the future. Could not express
my lesson in Phisiology so clearly as I should.
Mr. Pierce's remarks on geography were valuable,
shall preserve them in my mind and on
paper. How plain Miss Tilden makes
Arithmetic. I knew nothing of the Phonography until
today. Live to the truth.

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I believe that the [?] for I now _ the bitter is “reap”
And the [?]s at the end are “plain” [?] “Filden” or “Tilden” and in the last line [?] might be “Live”