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Status: Incomplete

Jan. 16th Sun. A.M.
Just returned from hearing a sermon
admirable for its truth, arrangement, and delivery. Text taken
from Prov. 27.19. "As face? answereth to face? in water,so the hurt
of man to man." Attempted to prove from it first, "that the mental
morals powers of mankind are alike naturally, the apparent differences
caused by education and restraints of society. [?] All possess the
powers of consciononess,reflections and memory. The same sins
are found in civilized and [?] countries, and are carried
to greater or lesser extent according to the [?] restraint of laws
or society. The wonderful adaptation of the gospel to every
one. If the human mind was not the same, one
gospel would not apply to all. The gospel being sufficient
to meet the wants of every one, proves its divine origin.
The speaker came to the conclusion that mankind
are universally depraved, more inclined to evil than good
This he [?] endeavored to prove it by observing the little trust
mankind had in each other, expressed in acions if not
in words. The light literature in circulation [?}
to please so large a class of persons.
God looketh on the heart, not on the outward appearance.
O for [?] within. If there is any good in us, it is
the spirit of God. In conclusion the necessity of [?]
strong desire for forgiveness, in entire consecrations of our
selves to God that he may glorify Himself in us in this
world and at last, to take us to His home in Heaven. 4

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