



Status: Complete


the pussywillows
purr in the blasts of the wind----
and bend in wisdom

the gentle fingers
of dawn creep over the trees
to touch the valley

the rain falls gently
on the muddy colored lake----
a snake slithers in

the wind shakes the leaves
like a gambler shakes his dice----
the call is autumn

the lake rolls softly
dreaming a song of the sea----
it's greyly sleeping

the night wind speaks in
soft monotones that are cloaked
in aging grey words.

by Lance Leonhirth '71


Quite astounded I watched
As she unveiled her face.
It was battle-torn and wrinkled with pain.
Woe the sorrow that touched my heart
When I saw the shining, sparkling tears
They were sprinkled freely over her worn features.
A look of grief hath long been spread cross her broad face.
But once again she draws herself from her shroud
And her golden smile began to dry her bitter tears.
Maybe she'll find her long sought peace this day
But time is running thin.
For her tender face becomes scarred deeper by man's sin.

by Carroll Wynn '72


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