



Status: Needs Review


Be it ordained by the Mayor and the
City council of the City of Greenville,
in Council assembled, and by authority
of the same:

Section 1. That from and after the
apssage of this ordinance every citi-
zen and resident, whether permanent
or otherwise, of the City of Greenville,
shall be vaccinated and re-vaccinated
with suitable bovine virus by or un-
der the direction of the City Council
or the Board of Health of Greenville
for that purpose, subject the pro-
visions of this ordinance.

Sec. 2. All persons under the age of
fifteen years shall be re-vaccinated
after three yrears, and all over fifteen
years after four years, provided that
during the prevalence of small pox or
in time of danger to the community
by infection therefrom the Board of
Health may be resolution require all
persons to be re-vaccinated after one
year. The elapse time aforesaid shall
be computed from the date of the last
successful vaccination in each case,
provided that no person shall be
vaccinated or re-vaccinated under the
provisions of this ordinance, when such
person produces the certificate of a
reputable physician that such vaccina-
tion would b dangerous to health.

Sec. 3. Upon demand of any officer of
the City of Greenville or Board of
Health authorized to vaccinate and re-
vaccinate or charge with matters per-
taining to vaccination or re-vaccina-
tion, every person found within the
City shall submit himself promptly and
without delay for examination, and it
shall be unlawful for any person
to hinder, obstruct or in anywise in-
terfere with any such officers in the
discharge of their duty. Any person
who shall be found not to have been
vaccinated or re-vaccinated, as is re-
quired by this ordinance, may be vac-
cinated or re-vaccinated by the afore-
said officers, who are hereby given
power and authority to perform their
duties and call to their aid the police
of said city in any instance where the
same may be required. The said vac-
cination or re-vaccination shall be
done without cost to the subject of
the same, provided, however, that any
person who prefers the services o fa
private physician may secure the same
immediately at his own expense.

Sec. 4. It shall be unlawful for any
citizen or resident, whether permanent
or otherwise, of the City of Greenville,
who has not been successfully vacci-
nated within the limits provided in this
ordinance, to refuse to be vacinated or
re-vaccinated, or to resist an order of
any officer charged with matters per-
taining to vaccination by the City of
Greenville or the Board of Health, and
in addition to the penalties herein pro-
vided such person may be quarantined
or isolated in such manner as the
board of Health shall determine.

Sec. 5. No president, superintendent,
principal or teacher or any university,
college, school or educational institu-
tion of any kind shall admit or permit
to attend therein any person who can-
not produce satisfactory evidence of
having been vaccinated and re-vacci-
nated, as is required by this ordinance.

Sec. 6. No owner, manager, superin-
tendent or agent operating any manu-
facturing, phosphate plant, store, rail-
road, or other business emplying
workmen, laborers or gangs of men,
women or children who work, sleep or
eat together, shall emply any man,
woman or child who cannot produce
satisfactory evidence of having been
vaccinated and re-vaccinated, as is re-
quired by this ordinance.

Sec. 7 It hall be unlawful for any
parent, guardian or other person hav-
ing charge custody of any child un-
der the age of twelve years to fail to
have such child vaccinated and re-vac-
cinated, as is required by this ordi-
nance, or to refuse to carry out any
instruction given by authority of the
city or the Board of Health with re-
gard thereto.

Any person violating any of the pro-
visions of this ordinance, upon convic-
tion in the Mayor's Court, shall be
fined not more than fifty dollars or im-
prisoned not more than thirty days,
or both fined and imprisoned within
the above limits, in the discretion of
the court. All ordinances and parts
of ordinances inconsistentherewith are
hereby repealed.

Ratified and done in Council assem-
bled this the 7th day of March A. D.,
G.H. MAHON, Mayor.
W. B. McDaniel, Clerk.

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