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Page Two; THE SLATER NEWS; January 23, 1947

[Column 1]

The Slater News

Published Every Two Weeks
Slater Manufacturing Co., Inc.
Established 1790
In the Interest of Its Employees


CECIL S. ROSS - Asst. Editor
CLAUDE GUEST - Photographer


Weave Room: Ernestine McCall,
Nellie Barnette, Gladys Cox, Rosa-
lee Cox, Sarah Canham, Louise
Bagwell, Pearl Price, Ethel Clary,
Doris Jones and Irene Cox.

Preparation Department: Jessie Vas-
sey, Julia Brown, Bertha Jones,
Sarah Singleton, Blanche Raxter,
Nellie Ruth Payne, Stanley Haw-
kins, Ruth Campbell, D. P. Gar-
rick, Tom Boggs, and Marguerite

Cloth Room: Opal W. Smith.

Community: Mrs. Raymond Johnson,
W. Earle Reid, Ruby P. Reid,
Doris F. Atkinson.


The United Nations

For the past few months, at
a place called Flushing, New
York, a young whippersnapper
nation has played host to the
world's hope for peace.

While some of the other na-
tions number their history bu
the centuries, we can turn back
the pages only 150 years. Yet
it is here that the congress of
hopeful nations meet and talk
togther looking for simple
path - a path that has been
camouflaged all too long.

Yet, what better place could
there be for such portentous
meetings? The very existence
of these meetings, as well as
their purpose, represent revolu-
tionary thought. And here is
the birthplace of revolution.
Here, in a sprawling, wet-be-
hind-the-ears country is the
place where men first fought
by retreating to protect the
cause of independence and free-

Ours is a tradition of revolu-
tion, whether it be political,
social or industrial. The as-
sembly line and the Declaration
of Independence spring from
the same source of infinite free-
dom of thought and perspec-
tive. This is a country that
dares because it must. Daring
and foolhardiness are in our
blood, the necessary running
mates of a free and independent

Small wonder, then, that the
United Nations looks to our
land for a home and a refuge.
Materially we can offer the
United Nations a permenent
home. But that is only one
aspect of what we can give to
this conclave of representatives
of war-battered peoples.

The other intangible com-
modity that we offer here in
America is a culture and tradi-
tion of revolution, whether it
be thought or process. Here,

[Column 2]


In the January issue of
Reader's Digest (page 106) is
an article which tells us that
influenza can be wiped out.
Thanks to the new ''flu vac-

Before Christmas last winter
and sometime during the winter
for several previous years, Sla-
terites have felt the effects of
a wide-spread flu epidemic. In
some instances whole families
have been abed at the same
time. The flu has taken its toll
in time lost from work and
from school, in sleepless nights
and anxious days, and in medi-
cine and doctor bills.

As our doctor went about
making calls on patient after
patient last winter, his advice
was ''Take flu shots next fall.''

About twenty local people
listened to this advice and took
flu shots last fall (1946). To
date (January 14, 1947) none
of those twenty have had flu.

Of course, there has been no
flu epidemic this winter up to
now. Maybe this is because we
have had a mild winter. There
is still a possibility of an epi-
demic as late as the latter part
of February.

But if the doctors all over
the country, as well as our local
doctor, gave flu shots last fall,
and these shots are 75 per cent
effective, it is enough to prevent
the county-wide epidemics we
have previously had.

The cost of the vaccine is
very small as compared to the
cost of a case of flu.

According to the article in
Reader's Digest, some business
firms have already given flu
shots to their employees as a
health measure. And Uncle
Sam has used the vaccine very
effectively to prevent epidemics
of flu among service men in

So, if you are susceptible to
flu, next fall ''Take flu shots''
and let's wipe out the influenza
as we have wiped out smallpox
and other communicable dis-
eases. Let's make Slater the
healthiest spot in America!

in a land where anything and
everything is possible, is the
natural breeding ground for so
revolutionary a hope and plan
as permanent peace.

We, who know that the re-
sult of unlimited thought and
plan is unprescendented progress
and gain, can play host spiritu-
ally as well as materially to the

[cartoon spans column 2 + 3]

(Column 3)

Cloth Room Chatter

Elizabeth Rowland enjoyed a
visit with her mother and sister
last Saturday.

Sunday guests in the home
of Clara Talley were Mr. and
Mrs. R. L. Pace and Mr. and
Mrs. C. J. Duncan.

Mr. and Mrs. George Garland
and family visited Mr. and
Mrs. Jim Kelly recently.

Everyone is happy to see
Sallie Guest and Jim Bates
back at work after being out
from work recently due to the
death of her uncle, Leonard J.
Goldsmith, of Asheville. Mr.
Goldsmith formerly lived in the
Travelers Rest section and had
many friends in this vicinity
who will regret to hear of his
passing away. Our deepest
sympathy goes to the family.

New Program
(Con't. from page 1, col. 2)

sion of either a commercial or
institutional message.

'''The Greatest Story Ever
Told' therefore represents a
public service radio program in
the fullest meaning of the
term,'' he pointed out.

Referring to the nature of the
program, Woods said that he
preferred not going into detail
until the program had been
aired and the public had had
an opportunity to evaluate the
impact predicted for it. ''I am
sincere in saying it is a radio
show that cannot be adquately

''In these critical postwar
years, people throughout the
world increasingly have turned
to religious precepts for guid-
ance,'' he said. ''From time to
time demagogues and leaders of
evil intent have endeavoured to
use the powerful influence of
radio for the realization of their

''In America, however, radio
has proved iteself a potent in-

faltering baby named UN.

Then, too, we have some-
thing important in common.
We're both young, both hope-
ful, willing to look ahead and
think. We are the ahead and
think. We are the recipients
of a great tradition - the tradi-
tion of true freedom - the free-
dom to look and see whatever
we will.

If Flushing put America in
the big leagues, it only follow-
ed the example of Valley Forge
and the Declaration of Inde-

[Column 4]

Mrs. Tom McCombs visited
Mrs. Hazel Lynch of Greenville
last week. Mrs. Lynch is just
home from the hospital.

Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Dunn,
of Union Bleachery, were the
recent guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Dunn.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jones had
as their guests Monday night,
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Ables of
Westminster, S. C., who were
married Sunday, January 5.
Clyde is a former employee of
this plant.

We all miss Blanche McCall
who has been out due to sick-
ness. We wish for her a speedy
recovery so that she can return
to work with us.

Sarah Singleton was recently
transferred to the third shift

fluence for the inspiration, ed-
ucation and enlightenment of
people that 'The Greatest
Story Ever Told' is unsurpassed
in each of these catergories. Pre-
sented in gripping dramatic
fashion with specially writ-
ten music for a large chorus of
mixed voices, is is a program
that we believe will be wel-
comed at this time by millions
of people.''

Woods said that during the
past several weeks some of the
programs in the series had
been auditioned for outstanding
national leaders.

''Without exception,'' he said,
''their reaction has been highly
enthusiastic. All have volun-
teered their endorsements and
aid in calling to the attention
of their memberships, associates
and the public at large, the high
standard of entertainment and
the service to peoples of all
races and creeds that 'The
Greatest Story Ever Told' can

This program can be heard
over Radio Station W.M.R.C.,
Greenville, S. C., by local radio

Winter Driving
(Con't. from page 1, col. 3)

on snow and ice as natural rub-
ber. Stop-and-go traction is re-
duced on snow or ice regardless
of the condition of tire treads.
Visibility is reduced dractically
by frost or snow and by the
longer hours of darkness in the
winter months.


Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Hamilton,
of Slater, announce the mar-
iage of their daughter, Billie,
to Russell T. Hampton on Sep-
tember 21, 1946 at Pickens, S. C.

Mrs. Hampton is a member of
the office force of Slater
Manufacturing Co., Inc.

The young couple are making
their home in Slater.


Mr. and Mrs. U. G. Sandy, of
Kingston, West Virginia, an-
nounce the engagement of their
daughter, Madge, to Mays L.

Miss Sandy is an employee of
Slater Manufacturing Co., Inc.
and is a resident of Cleveland.

[Column 5]

from the second. Second shift-
ers are missing her very much,
but hope she is enjoying her
work on the third.

Frances and Louise Hall and
their mother had as their din-
ner guests last Sunday, Mr. and
Mrs. Paul Williams and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Ramsey Butler
and family, and Mr. and Mrs.
Sam Williams and son.

When C. D. Rice was pre-
sented a hunting outfit Christ-
mas, he promised his workers
some rabbits. No one has seen
any rabbits around yet. Maybe
you should leave the red cap
home, C. D.

Second shifters have been
living very quiet lives recently,
it seems, as no one has any news.

Mr. Capps holds a position
with the South Carolina Mili-
tary District and lives in Slater.

Even fetters of gold are

The SAFE Way






From National Saftey News
Published by
The National Safety Council


Page Two; THE SLATER NEWS; January 23, 1947

[Column 1]

The Slater News

Published Every Two Weeks
Slater Manufacturing Co., Inc.
Established 1790
In the Interest of Its Employees


CECIL S. ROSS - Asst. Editor
CLAUDE GUEST - Photographer


Weave Room: Ernestine McCall,
Nellie Barnette, Gladys Cox, Rosa-
lee Cox, Sarah Canham, Louise
Bagwell, Pearl Price, Ethel Clary,
Doris Jones and Irene Cox.

Preparation Department: Jessie Vas-
sey, Julia Brown, Bertha Jones,
Sarah Singleton, Blanche Raxter,
Nellie Ruth Payne, Stanley Haw-
kins, Ruth Campbell, D. P. Gar-
rick, Tom Boggs, and Marguerite

Cloth Room: Opal W. Smith.

Community: Mrs. Raymond Johnson,
W. Earle Reid, Ruby P. Reid,
Doris F. Atkinson.


The United Nations

For the past few months, at
a place called Flushing, New
York, a young whippersnapper
nation has played host to the
world's hope for peace.

While some of the other na-
tions number their history bu
the centuries, we can turn back
the pages only 150 years. Yet
it is here that the congress of
hopeful nations meet and talk
togther looking for simple
path - a path that has been
camouflaged all too long.

Yet, what better place could
there be for such portentous
meetings? The very existence
of these meetings, as well as
their purpose, represent revolu-
tionary thought. And here is
the birthplace of revolution.
Here, in a sprawling, wet-be-
hind-the-ears country is the
place where men first fought
by retreating to protect the
cause of independence and free-

Ours is a tradition of revolu-
tion, whether it be political,
social or industrial. The as-
sembly line and the Declaration
of Independence spring from
the same source of infinite free-
dom of thought and perspec-
tive. This is a country that
dares because it must. Daring
and foolhardiness are in our
blood, the necessary running
mates of a free and independent

Small wonder, then, that the
United Nations looks to our
land for a home and a refuge.
Materially we can offer the
United Nations a permenent
home. But that is only one
aspect of what we can give to
this conclave of representatives
of war-battered peoples.

The other intangible com-
modity that we offer here in
America is a culture and tradi-
tion of revolution, whether it
be thought or process. Here,

[Column 2]


In the January issue of
Reader's Digest (page 106) is
an article which tells us that
influenza can be wiped out.
Thanks to the new ''flu vac-

Before Christmas last winter
and sometime during the winter
for several previous years, Sla-
terites have felt the effects of
a wide-spread flu epidemic. In
some instances whole families
have been abed at the same
time. The flu has taken its toll
in time lost from work and
from school, in sleepless nights
and anxious days, and in medi-
cine and doctor bills.

As our doctor went about
making calls on patient after
patient last winter, his advice
was ''Take flu shots next fall.''

About twenty local people
listened to this advice and took
flu shots last fall (1946). To
date (January 14, 1947) none
of those twenty have had flu.

Of course, there has been no
flu epidemic this winter up to
now. Maybe this is because we
have had a mild winter. There
is still a possibility of an epi-
demic as late as the latter part
of February.

But if the doctors all over
the country, as well as our local
doctor, gave flu shots last fall,
and these shots are 75 per cent
effective, it is enough to prevent
the county-wide epidemics we
have previously had.

The cost of the vaccine is
very small as compared to the
cost of a case of flu.

According to the article in
Reader's Digest, some business
firms have already given flu
shots to their employees as a
health measure. And Uncle
Sam has used the vaccine very
effectively to prevent epidemics
of flu among service men in

So, if you are susceptible to
flu, next fall ''Take flu shots''
and let's wipe out the influenza
as we have wiped out smallpox
and other communicable dis-
eases. Let's make Slater the
healthiest spot in America!

in a land where anything and
everything is possible, is the
natural breeding ground for so
revolutionary a hope and plan
as permanent peace.

We, who know that the re-
sult of unlimited thought and
plan is unprescendented progress
and gain, can play host spiritu-
ally as well as materially to the

[cartoon spans column 2 + 3]

(Column 3)

Cloth Room Chatter

Elizabeth Rowland enjoyed a
visit with her mother and sister
last Saturday.

Sunday guests in the home
of Clara Talley were Mr. and
Mrs. R. L. Pace and Mr. and
Mrs. C. J. Duncan.

Mr. and Mrs. George Garland
and family visited Mr. and
Mrs. Jim Kelly recently.

Everyone is happy to see
Sallie Guest and Jim Bates
back at work after being out
from work recently due to the
death of her uncle, Leonard J.
Goldsmith, of Asheville. Mr.
Goldsmith formerly lived in the
Travelers Rest section and had
many friends in this vicinity
who will regret to hear of his
passing away. Our deepest
sympathy goes to the family.

New Program
(Con't. from page 1, col. 2)

sion of either a commercial or
institutional message.

'''The Greatest Story Ever
Told' therefore represents a
public service radio program in
the fullest meaning of the
term,'' he pointed out.

Referring to the nature of the
program, Woods said that he
preferred not going into detail
until the program had been
aired and the public had had
an opportunity to evaluate the
impact predicted for it. ''I am
sincere in saying it is a radio
show that cannot be adquately

''In these critical postwar
years, people throughout the
world increasingly have turned
to religious precepts for guid-
ance,'' he said. ''From time to
time demagogues and leaders of
evil intent have endeavoured to
use the powerful influence of
radio for the realization of their

''In America, however, radio
has proved iteself a potent in-

faltering baby named UN.

Then, too, we have some-
thing important in common.
We're both young, both hope-
ful, willing to look ahead and
think. We are the ahead and
think. We are the recipients
of a great tradition - the tradi-
tion of true freedom - the free-
dom to look and see whatever
we will.

If Flushing put America in
the big leagues, it only follow-
ed the example of Valley Forge
and the Declaration of Inde-

[Column 4]

Mrs. Tom McCombs visited
Mrs. Hazel Lynch of Greenville
last week. Mrs. Lynch is just
home from the hospital.

Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Dunn,
of Union Bleachery, were the
recent guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Dunn.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jones had
as their guests Monday night,
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Ables of
Westminster, S. C., who were
married Sunday, January 5.
Clyde is a former employee of
this plant.

We all miss Blanche McCall
who has been out due to sick-
ness. We wish for her a speedy
recovery so that she can return
to work with us.

Sarah Singleton was recently
transferred to the third shift

fluence for the inspiration, ed-
ucation and enlightenment of
people that 'The Greatest
Story Ever Told' is unsurpassed
in each of these catergories. Pre-
sented in gripping dramatic
fashion with specially writ-
ten music for a large chorus of
mixed voices, is is a program
that we believe will be wel-
comed at this time by millions
of people.''

Woods said that during the
past several weeks some of the
programs in the series had
been auditioned for outstanding
national leaders.

''Without exception,'' he said,
''their reaction has been highly
enthusiastic. All have volun-
teered their endorsements and
aid in calling to the attention
of their memberships, associates
and the public at large, the high
standard of entertainment and
the service to peoples of all
races and creeds that 'The
Greatest Story Ever Told' can

This program can be heard
over Radio Station W.M.R.C.,
Greenville, S. C., by local radio

Winter Driving
(Con't. from page 1, col. 3)

on snow and ice as natural rub-
ber. Stop-and-go traction is re-
duced on snow or ice regardless
of the condition of tire treads.
Visibility is reduced dractically
by frost or snow and by the
longer hours of darkness in the
winter months.


Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Hamilton,
of Slater, announce the mar-
iage of their daughter, Billie,
to Russell T. Hampton on Sep-
tember 21, 1946 at Pickens, S. C.

Mrs. Hampton is a member of
the office force of Slater
Manufacturing Co., Inc.

The young couple are making
their home in Slater.


Mr. and Mrs. U. G. Sandy, of
Kingston, West Virginia, an-
nounce the engagement of their
daughter, Madge, to Mays L.

Miss Sandy is an employee of
Slater Manufacturing Co., Inc.
and is a resident of Cleveland.

[Column 5]