
Transcription guidelines

  • Type it how it is: Retain the punctuation, spelling, and capitalization used in the original text.
  • Line and page breaks: Retain the original line and page breaks in the text. Exception: if a word is hyphenated or appears on two separate lines, write it as one complete word at the beginning of the second line.
  • Using "needs review": Please use the "needs review" button in the following circumstances: you have transcribed the entire page but are unsure of your transcription in some parts and/or you used the "unclear" function; you are unsure of the formatting in your transcription; the page has illegible text. If these circumstances don't apply to you, please reread through your transcription before hitting "done" button.

    Noting edits in a text

    • Strikethroughs: If a word has been crossed out and is still legible, use the "strikethrough" function to cross through the words that have been edited in the original text; if a word is illegible, not in brackets as such [illegible strikethrough]
    • Insertions: If a word is inserted above or below a line of text, transcribe it as it would naturally appear in the text.
    • Underlines: Use the underline function on words/phrases as they appear in the original text.
    • Illegible words/phrases: If a word/phrase is completely illegible, note the number of words or lines illegible in brackets as such: [3 words illegible]; if a word is partially legible or incomplete, note using brackets and two hyphens as such: [sm–]; if you have a question about the accuracy of your transcription or the word is unclear, use the "unclear" function to note the word(s) that are unclear; if a page is torn/cut, note where the legible line ends and tear begins (for example: I am in tolerable health at this [end of line, page is torn])
    • Superscripts: Use the "superscript" function to note superscripts in the original text.
    • Headings: Use the heading function to indicate headings in the original text.
    • Marginalia: When word(s) are written in the margins of the page, use the marginalia function to note the word(s) in the line they are written by in the original text.
    • Symbols instead of words: Fairly often in these documents, the writer will use a symbol for a word instead of spelling it out (for example "and"); if you come across this, please spell out the word instead of using or trying to describe the symbol used.
    • Helpful Documentation

      Advanced Markup

      Table Encoding

      Encoding mathematical and scientific formula with LaTex