


Status: Complete

Mitchell, M. T.
+ M. L.
Adoption of Elizabeth S. Petty The State of Alabama Shelby County
We, Matthew Turner Mitchell + his wife, Mary Lucinda Mitchell, both residing in said county in said state, do hereby declare in writing, that we are both desirous to adopt the child named herein below, so as to make said child capable of inheriting the estate, real and personal, of the said Matthew Turner Mitchell, and so as to make said child capable of inheriting the estate, real and personal, of the said Mary Lucinda Mitchell, just the same as if the said child were the child of the said Matthew Turner Mitchell, and his wife, Mary Lucinda Mitchell.
And we further do hereby declare that we are desirous to change the name of the said child named herein below, in the manner stated herein below--
The name of the child whom we are desirous to adopt has heretofore been, and now is, Elizabeth Sylvania Petty; said child is a female, and was born on the [18th] day of Febry, 1888, in Crenshaw County, Alabama, and is now over nine years old, and will be ten years old on the 19th day of Febry. 1898; said child was an inmate of the Alabama Methodist Orphanage from the 23rd day of November 1893 to the 24th day of October 1894; and since the day last named, said child has been living in the family of us, the said Matthew Turner Mitchell and Mary Lucinda Mitchell, in Vincent Shelby County Alabama; and we Matthew Turner Mitchell and his wife Mary Lucinda Mitchell, have adopted

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