


Status: Complete

she sighed deeply - and again her head sunk in her lap. -

"Can't you tell a body your project then? replied he
not, now, not now. by n by I'll tell you all about it.-"

"I'm reckoning its no mighty project, or you would be [nea..]
enough to tell.

"Its a project, I don't half like," she answered.-" but what
to be done? one can't starve. one can't lay out o' doors such
weather as this. - one must do, what one don't like sometim

The embers being now all expired, and having no
food to prepare; these poor people went supportless and shivering
to bed. - Lucy still lay in the closet, which was divided
from their room, by only a thin partition, between the boards
of which were many cracks, so that she could distinctly hear all that was said, by the old couple, this was a
circumstance of which they did not think, and soon after
they had got into bed, Lucy overheard the following con
versation. -

"Well"), daddy (crossed out), now for the project I as telling you

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