


Status: Complete

[newspaper cutting left column]
[handwritten Union of American Nashville Tenn]

We publish the following communication at the
request of a citizen of this city.
From the Republican Brnner.
University of the South.


MESSRS. EDITORS: — The Board of Trustees of the
University of the South has just closed another an-
nual meeting, the proceedings of which will soon be
published to the world.

There was a large representation in attendance,
every Diocese except Texas, being represented,
either in the Epsscopal order, or by clerical or lay
delegates. The session was ^(one) of great harmony, and
the result of its deliberations calculated to inspire
the feeling that the grand enterprise which the
Board has taken in hand is now of no doubtful
consequence. Everything points to a successful
comsummation. God speed the work!

The various committees appointed at the annual
meeting rendered reports upon the objects with which
they had been charged, except the committee to pre-
pare a Constitution for the government of the Uni-
versity. Two prominent members of that commit-
tee, one of whom was the chairman, having been
occupied, at the time agreed upon for meeting, in
the important business of collecting the endowment,
it was not called together during the year. But the
members of that committee have not been idle. In
the mean time they have been collecting informa-
tion from every quarter, and by every available
means; and when called together, as they will be
in the course of a few months, they will be able to
enter upon the duty assigned them, with greatly in-
creased facilities for giving proper shape to their
plans and bringing their work to a successful ter-

But as is well known, the principal object of this
meeting was to receive the report of the commission-
ers appointed to raise the endowment for the Uni-
versity, and to take such action thereupon as the
exigencies of the case should demand.

Owing to circumstances beyond their control, the
commissioners had been able to devote only a few
weeks to the work with which they were charged.
Their operations were confined almost entirely to
Louisiana, in consequence of having made New Or-
leans the basis of their operations. Nor did they
by any means exhaust even that field. And yet the
results was $363,580, in cash, bonds and notes pay-
able in available periods, and over $115,000 in
pledges from entirely reliable sources, to be ful-
filled within a short period. This last sum was not
included in their report, insasmuch as it had not been
actually secured by bonds or notes.

In the opinion of the commissioners, the mini-
mum amount fixed by the Board, in their declara-
tion of fundamental principles, to-wit: $500,000
could have been easily secured by skimming the sur-
face of the associated Diocese; but in view of the mag-
nitude of the enterprise undertaken, and the very
large amount of capital necessary to put it into

[right column]
operation, and to carry it on successfully, they
deemed it expedient to suspend further exertions
until such time as they could canvass thoroughly
each particular Diocese. From the intelligent ap-
preciation of the enterprise in which they were enlis-
ted, and the generous liberality with which they
were universally met, they felt fully authorized to
assure the Board that they regard the securing of
the entire endowment as a thing beyond all ques-
tion The commissioners were re appointed by the
Board, and also an Executive Committee appointed,
charged with the duty of breaking ground of the
University site, so soon as the minimum sum stipu-
lated should be received.

The committee met on the day succeeding the ad
journment of the Board, and adopted such measures
as will enable them to commence operations vigor-
ously at an early day. The next meeting of the
Board will be held in New Orleans, on the second
Wednesday in Fenruary, 1860.

Everything now looks hopeful and encouraging
What in the beginning ^(appeared) like romance, is fast
assuming the hue and shape of reality. Again
we say, God speed the glorious work.

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