



Status: Needs Review

TF No to Hazleton
DM How did you study for this or how did you work for this
TF They asked you different questions about minin' what you should do and what you shouldn't do all different questions they'd ask you
DM Which most people could answer is they worked in the mines
TF Yeh if they worked in the mines they could answer them questions but the bigger part of the thing was crooked anyway if you slipped them 2 bucks you was alright
DM That's what I heard, Bruno took an ICS course, correspondence course to get his
foreman papers and he had to do that too probably, that was pay-off too
TF Yeh pay-off, that's how everything was
DM But that's how you went up and the biggest job, the best job other than a foreman even better than a foreman as far as money, was a contract mining wasn't it
TF Yeh, that's providing you had a drag with the committee or boss to get a good job then you could makemoney like up here
MF He's dead now
DM What do you mean you're making reference to something I don't know about
TF Yeh he was a regular suck-ass he had the best job in the mines
DM Annie Yenshaw's husband
TF Yeh he always made big money
DM Well she still screams and hollers
MF She always does
TF She's a big mouth
DM I don't like her very much, I shouldn't put that on tape either
MF Nobody does
TF Nobody in Eckley likes her, we just talk to her but as far as likin' her well there aint many people like her she has too big of a mouth
DM Well she must have some relatives or something because she's mad because they didn't get a job with the work crew and all that she has a thorn in her rear end

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