



Status: Needs Review

Inter Mary & Tom Ferko -22- 8/7/72 Tape 6
see to get this place when we heard they were moving out
TF It was just like everything else and then I finally told them either I get your house or I'll move to Freeland and the hell with your goddam house and I was workin' and came after me and he said come on we have to go up to Hazleton and sign up for the house I said either I get it or I don't get it I'm tired of that kind of stuff I told him right off
DM Did you have to meet any requirements or just
TF No we just moved in but what the hell it cost to take care of the home they fixed this window and the roof was leakin' and I got all new windows in my house here
DM I was going to say you got beautiful windows
MF Right before they quit they gave us all new windows
TF And my cement porch they were always puttin' boards on and the boards would rotten and I said give me about 5 bags of cement and I'll put on my own porch in and I put my own porch in and I'm done with it don't have to worry about the boards all the time they'd give you the stuff but you had to help yourself but the biggest part of the people didn't want to help
MF We painted almost every summer, you had to take care of them
DM I figured that
TF But you look across to these homes here they never touch them
DM Look one of the worse houses in town we live in I want you to know that, our house you can pull nails out of the side of the house, I'm serious I don't think Emory ever touched the place
TF He didn't

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