


Status: Complete

Burlington Vt. May 23, 1861

Rt. Rev. & dear Brother,

I was really glad to see your hand-
writing once more, after so long an inter-
val, and am particularly thankful
that our views on the continuance of [{sic}
of our ecclesiastical relations are not
likely to differ. This, after all, is the most
important question. Wars must cease,
governments must change. Even [?]
pass away. But the Church of God
endureth for ever. The Church of Rome
contrived to maintain her unity, during
all the battles, sieges, and revelations of
fifteen centuries. And surely our [underscore]truly[end underscore]
Catholic and apostolic Church should
prove that it is able to withstand all
the distracting agitation of our political
strife, as the kingdom of Christ, “not of
this world.”

Most deeply do I sympathize with
your feelings, about this terrible war,
although I do not understand it to be

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