


Status: Complete

Burlington Vt Feby 14

{There appears to be bleed-through from another document on this scan. The bleed-through is illegible and has not been translated.}

My dear Friend,

I wish that I could give
a more satisfactory reply to
your interesting letter. Your
noble-hearted husband, the lam
ented Bishop Polk, held a
very high place in my esteem and
affection; but my local position
was so far removed that my op
portunities of private intercourse
with him were few and brief,
although they all tended to conform
my opnion of his elevated charac

I enjoyed the genial and refined
circle of his hospitable house in
New Orleans for some three weeks
and was with him afterwards, at Sewanee,
for one week, where he was accom
pained by his most intimate

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The word "husband" in reference to Bishop Polk appears several times in this letter, clearly intended to mean a close friendship and not matrimony.