


Status: Complete

as i could make out of them. But the
object of your work is to show your Father
not to exhibit literacy style; and I felt and
feel that your Father's personal self could
be best presented by giving his letters,
the documents in which he had a hand,
on the contents of which he inspired, and
the plain unvarnished record of what he
did, and how he did it. This to some might
seem to be the easier thing to do, but it is
not so to me. At any rate, for the reason
given above, I chose it as the best for
your purpose. I do not know whether it
will suit you, but I trust it may, for I
do not think I can do it any better. It
has grown to much larger proportions
than either of us expected; for my twenty
pages of recollections have now been fol-
lowed by a hundred and twenty pages of
authenticated facts. It seems to me, how-
ever, that this is the reverse of a misfortune

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