


Status: Complete

POLK Letters: June 9, 1843

Bishop Polk. Thibodeaux, La., to his mother, Mrs. Sarah Polk, re: finances,
debts, loans, etc...regarding his new plantation in La., and properties in
Tennessee; stating that his crop of cane is remarkably fine and should the
season be as good as it has been heretorfore can make sevben to eight hogsheads
for which he will get $50.00 per hogshead; informing her of an urgent need
for funds in the spring and his turning to her account for them; arrangements
for Hamilton to leave his school and go to Raleigh; comments on his
lonliness. 5 pp.

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NOTE: It appears that someone in the past has already transcribed this document into typed format, starting on page 8. Given the difficulty in trying to decipher Bishop Polk's own hand, I have chosen to transcribe the typed version. Therefore, pages 2-7 are not independently transcribed.