


Status: Complete

Polk Letters: July 23, 1856


Bishop Polk, New Orleans, La., to Bishop Elliott, re: a letter he is sending to all
the Bishops and Clergy in the Southern Dioceses on the subject of establishing
a church which would rival the establishments at Harvard, or Yale, or that of
Virginia at Charlottesville, saying that "a movement of some kind is
indispensable, to rally and unite us to develop our resources, and demonstrate
our power"; asking him to take this into consideration and to let him hear his
opinion on the matter. 3 pp. (1 Photostat copy and 1 typed copy). NOTE: This
letter is dated July 1, 1856. It is published in pamphlet form in the EARLY
PAPERS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH in a folder marked: 1856,
July 1, Letter from the Bishop of Louisiana to the Southern Bishops. (vertical files.)­

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The "photostat copy" of the original letter referenced above does not appear to be present here.