


Status: Complete

(Letter to Bishop Elliott from Bishop Polk, May 3d, '58)


New Orleans, May 3, '58.

My dear Elliott:

The Sewanee Mining Co. at your suggestion
have extended the time at which we shall begin active opera-
tions from 2{underlined} to 3{underlined} years.{underlined} This is better no doubt and will
give us all we are likely to want. I have written Mr. F{struckthrough: u; written: o}gg
to look carefully to the drawings of the conveyance as to the
reservation of the slip on each side of the road-way. This he
will attend to. In a letter from him (Mr. F. ) he deeply
regrets the omission of your name among the corporations in
the act and gives it to be understood that he would rather
omitted that of any other on the list, it was the work of the
engraving clerk, but is of no consequence of course and is
merely clerical.

I have had a letter from Armfield since
the receipt of one from Fagg. He informs me that Fagg and
Meig{struckthrough: ht; added: s}, a gentleman of high literary attainments, a Presbyterian,
a Nashville lawyer and a strong friend of our enterprise have
visited him at Bursheba with the view of examining the location
at Sewanee. They went all over the grounds and their surround-
ings and were perfectly delighted with them, in every respect.
They had a prominent {check mark} man with them. He says they
investigated the story about with{underlined} {check mark} and found it of course
a humbug. Armfield is entirely satisfied and surrenders
McMinnville without a word of hesitation.

We shall have then all the land we want
and a charming locality in every particular.

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