


Status: Complete

Washington D.C. March 17th 1860

The Right Reverend Hervey Otey D.D. & L.L.D.
Bishop of Tennessee

Right Revd Sir

A younger son of mine, an [unclear] residing at Montgomery Ala. has informed me, by letter that you contemplate having erected an Episcopal college on an extensive scale. As I have had experience in such buildings as well as the laying out of the grounds, may I respectfully tender my professional services? My knowledge is derived from the circumstance of having received my professional education in Europe, although being an American citizen and my family connections in the Southern States. That the first public premium I won was for a British college in the year 1828 and that I have ever since been extensively engaged in the erection of public buildings of magnitude and on the most approved [premises], both in Europe and America, certificates of which I hold, many from high church dignitaries, as I have been extensively engaged in ecclesiastical works
With many

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