


Status: Complete

These matters I expect will be disposed of before the first of next monyh, when I would be able (God willing) to attend to your business by first visiting the site, receiving your instructions as to the extent of the accommodation required and the style of architecture you would wish to adopt or that would suit the locality and the available materials, and then prepare the design. And least you may suppose me capable of taking advantage, I shall charge you nothing for my plans (merely my travelling expenses) in the event of my not being able to meet your views and establish what I have states -
Asking the favor of a reply, I have the honor to the
Right Revd Sir
Most Respectfully
Your humble servant
[unclear] Fred Anderson

P.S. You will find me thoroughly conversant with the arrangement and the architecture adopted in the principal British colleges; of coures, any such arrangement will have to be made subservient to our climate.
My method for ventilating and cooling down the atmosphere in public buildings is highly approved of.

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