


Status: Complete


(Page 11).

On motion,

Resolved, That the portion of the Bishop's Address referring
to a circular letter from Bishop Polk and Elliott, be referred to
a Committee of five, to be appointed by the Chair.

The Chair announced as the Committee under the above resolu-
tion, Messrs. Minor, Duncan, Thompson; and the Rev. Messrs. Crane
and Fox.

On motion,

Resolved, That the Secretary be instructed to extract so much
of the Bishop's Address as relates to the present political crisis
and have the same published in at least one of the secular papers
in each of the principal cities of this State, and to request that
the same be copied into the Church papers published in the South.

On motion,

Resolved unanimously, That the Convention approve of the al-
terations in the usual Prayers for the President and for Congress,
made by the Bishop, and heatily thank him for the forms of Prayer
which he has set forth, and for his promptness in providing them,
as we think, in the exercise of a sound discretion.

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