



Status: Needs Review

1st Papuau Inf. Battn,
Murray Barracks,
Port Moresby,

23rd June 41

My divine Sweetheart,
Twelve months shall have passed
next tuesday, since we embarked on the Orungal. It seems
an age though, Nance. I remember every frantic hour with
you after I was called back from the [Grovely?] party.
That Sunday night will forever be a lovely memory - Is it
with you, pet? If we'd only known the lonliness to
follow. Quite often I weaken and let my heart get the
better of me, but am promising myself to make up
the loss before many months. Money is the main factor
here in [Moresby?]. Houses are so scarce that a number are
using half caste quarters. Civilian wages are only enough
to provide comfort, & no one gets less than £10 a week.
(I'm getting 3.10.0) I wish some rich uncle would leave
me a thousand or so, then I'd be happy in sending for you.
Darling if my stay here is to be as long as I now
believe, I will send for you - wouldn't we be
wonderfully happy. I know you'd prefer to have me
home first, but leave is so costly and uncertain.
What are your sentiments, Nance. Finance wouldn't
offer much till after Xmas of course. I hope for
a substantial rise in pay before then.

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