



Status: Needs Review

very close my darling. Below in a ravine saw a stream & surrounding it, tall green grass & coco nut palms. this country's scenery is magnificent, especially if you like
ruggidness. I'd have been content to linger after sundown but the trackless slopes are a danger & I had no compass. What did interest me was an age old track overgrown
& nearly obliterated by small landslides. I'll find where it leads to someday.

Wednesday: record patronage let our theatre to extend the screening of "Wings of the Morning". It has been the talk of the town. I went & sat near Alf Richardson. Can you believe that this was his first nights outing since he came here? Behaviour during the shows is pretty rude, but for once there was perfect order while I cant flatter you by saying you resemble Annabella I must say her exquisite lonliness reminded me of you, honey. Throughout its length it was you, honey, that was before me on the screen. I owe that actress a lot for refreshing a memory long unaccustomed to the incarnate beauty I associate with you. Honestly pet, I left for home with a vow I'd never ever know another
woman's heart. My one remorse is that wartime dosen't beget idealism.

Owen hoped to be going home after being relieved. His health has
[unclear] good. Except for [unclear]
[unclear] of our boys [unclear]
{Page torn}

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