



Status: Complete

wife having herself left the colony during his absence. This country
has indeed become to petitioner as it were his natural home,
having neither friend nor relation in his native land - and your
petitioner having talents, by which he can, when once more
blessed with an opportunity, obtain an honest and respectable
living here. Moreover, petitioner can, if permitted, find
respectable persons who would enter into security for his
good behaviour.

Your petitioner therefore, resting (under Providence)
his sole remaining hope on your Excellency's Justice and
Mercy, most humbly prays, that your Excellency will take
into Your humane consideration, his good conduct during
so many years; his long and faithful public services;
his having been now 17 months in close confinement,
during 15 of which, he has not set foot on land; his ad-
vanced age (upwards of 50) and impaired constitution;
and lastly, his sincere contrition for his past offences,
and firm resolution to trangress no more - and that
your Excellency will be graciously pleased to extend to
your pelitioner such degree of clemency as in Your
Wisdom and goodness may seem meet.

And your Excellency's humble petitioner,

as in duty bound shall ever pray.

[signed] James Hardy Vaux.

[on left]

H. M. Hulk Phoenix,

Sydney, 7th Dec'r 1831. }


We the undersigned respectfully beg leave to recommend the Petitioner
to the favorable consideration of His Excellency


[on left]

Jos'h [Joseph] Davis

William Chinsford [?]

William Best

Thos. Lawton

John Colles

[on right]

Lancelot Tredall

William Harding

M J Gibbons

Thomas Ward

William Bruce

Geo Woodford

S.P. D'Arcy

David Greville

M. J. Geering

Edmond Burke

John Joseph Therry

Notes and Questions

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Can't work out the name of the second signatory, on the left.