



Status: Complete

[top left] 28

having herself left the colony since my de-
parture. Nothing can ever again induce me
to attempt an escape. This country has become
to me, as it were, my natural home, having
neither friend nor relation in my native land:
and the distress I encountered on my arrival
in England, having driven me to the commission
of the offence for which I was again expatriated.

That your Excellency may be graciously
pleased to extend clemency to me, and grant
me an opportunity of regaining my station in
society; and that You may live to see all
Your enemies humbled, and enjoy many Years
of health and happiness, is the ardent prayer


your Excellency's most humble

Petitioner and dutiful servant

[signed] James H. Vaux.

[on left]

Phœnix Hulk

May 18th 1831 }

[on right, in another hand]

Arrived per Minorca (1801)

........... Per Indian (1810)

And recently per Waterloo

in the name of James Young.

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