



Status: Complete

Seattle Wash.

June Report

To the Honorable
The Board of Park Commissioners

The work for the past month was as follows.
For the Kinnear Park the ladies cottage rustic bridge was finished.
Twelve eight feet rustic benches made of various designs. 1900 square
feet cedar bark, beside rustic limbs was obtained, several flower beds have
been replanted with 3712 plants, 44 loads of manure used and 32 loads
of gravel in redressing some of the walks and the seasonable work
done of maintenance.
In the City Park [Inorseries] means have been provided to temper the
water. A considerable quantity of shrub and tree cuts were discovered
stored away; these were planted though late in the season requiring
54 boxes and two sash. The remaining uncleared ground within
the enclosure is now cleared and fertilised, yet the nursery is too
small accommodate even the replanting of seedlings started, while
early this fall a large quantity of native shrubs and some trees
should be collected beside many seed beds prepared and planted,
which demands additional nursery grounds of at least two acres.
To make the nursery efficient and economical your authorization
is also needed and provision made to make such collections from
the several localities, where the proper and suitable shrubs and
trees may be conveniently found.
As soon as any Park or Boulevard ground is graded, planting
materials will be needed to furnish it with its most important
elements that is beauty comfort novelty and effect; variety
of coloring foliage is much lacking on this coast, its importance

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