



Status: Complete

the winter season.
Amount of gravel used 114 loads--
The force on the City Park has completed
the new fence around the 40 acre tract; of
which there was 4800 lineal feet costing
for materials $134.50; labor $105.00 total $239.50
or $5.55 per 100 feet. The same force was
also employed thinning the surrounded young
growth of evergreens. the best of which should
now be root pruned to ensure their
safe replanting into nursery or Park hereafter
as well as open these areas ready for
topographical work.
Our last report stated that the nursery
stock bought last fall had arrived. It
is now further reported that the total cost
of the same delivered in nursery was
$742.30. After culling damaged plants
there were 56,115, plants, shrubs and trees
(The value of same per wholesale rates without freight laying
is $3721.70).
A list of coniferous and evergreen shrubs and
trees embracing 29,420 plants has been remodelled
and reduced to a minimum assortment
and should now be ordered, the cost
of which amounts to $126.13.--
Also a list of 341 varieties of hardy perennials
to be raised from seeds, amounts to $48.25
and bulbous roots of foliage plants, $25.00.
The total of which amounts to $197.38 plus
exchange 45c, which amounts needs to
be sent with the order for goods.

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