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3 revisions
StephanieJoWebb at Jan 05, 2021 11:11 PM


Seattle, Oct. 18th, 1889.
To the Honorable Mayor, and Common Council
of the City of Seattle.

I respectfully
petition that definite action be taken in regard
to cutting off the building known as the Knight
, situated on Front Street, between University
and Seneca Streets, City of Seattle.
Having heard that is was soon to be cut
off four feet, I applied to the city attorney to
learn when it would be done. He could not
tell me exactly, but said it would be soon.
I also applied to the Board of Appraisers, who
said it would be done soon, and instructed
me to give them my estimate of damages, which
I have done.
I am the lesee of said building. The
north store is being vacated today and I pay
too high rent for it to remain unoccupied. I
have been intending to engage in business in said
store myself but the city attorney told me that if I
did so, and sustained any damage by store being cut off, I would do
so at my own risk, and would have to apply to
the court for relief, which I do not want to do.
I earnestly request that your honorable body will
act on this as soon as possible as it is of much
importance to me.
Very Respectfully,
Jerome M Souder, lessee


Seattle, Oct. 18th, 1889.
To the Honorable Mayor, and Common Council
of the City of Seattle.

I respectfully
petition that definite action be taken in regard
to cuttyng of the building known and the Knight
Block, situated on Front Street, between University
and Seneca Streets, City of Seattle.
Having heard that is was soon to be city
off four feet, I applied to the city attorney to
learn when it would be done. He could not
tell me exactly, but said it would be soon.
I also applied to the Board of Appraisers, who
said it would be done soon, and instructed
me to give them my estimate of damaged, which
I have done.
I am the lesee of said building. The
north store is being vacated today and I pay
too high rent for it to remain unoccupied. I
have been intending to engage in business in said
store myself but the city attorney told me that if I
sis so, and sustained any damage by store being cut off, I would do
so at my own risk, and would have to apply to
the court for relief, which I do not want to do.
I earnestly request that your honorable body will
act on this as soon as possible as it is of much
importance to me.
Very Respectfully,

Jerome M Souder, lessee