Amelia Alden requested that the City not a grant a license for a merry-go-round located at Seventh and Spring Street. She was concerned about the types of characters that would be drawn to it and the noise it would make. She stated it would turn "one of the most quiet neighborhoods into a rendevous for loafers and other bad characters." The Committee on License and Revenue recommended that the petition be denied. See full description in Digital Collections




Remonstrance of Amelia Aldew against allowing a merry go round to locate at the [?] of 7th & Spring

[Carn ?] L & R recommend that the Petition be respected [? A W Keugh?] [R ? Cablegan?]

Last edit over 4 years ago by Seattle Municipal Archives


Seattle Washington September 3 1890

To the Hon The Mayor & City Council of the City of Seattle


I would most respectfully ask that you forbid the location of what is Termed a "merry go round" at the location of Seventh and Spring street. It is objectionable on account of the character of persons that are drawn to it. as with as the noise and tumult occasioned by running it. To permit it to be operated at the point refered to would connect what is now one of the most quiet neighborhoods into a rendevous for loafers and other bad characters. We therefore respectfully ask that no permit be granted for the purpose named

and your petitioners that ever pray very respectfully Amelia Alden

Last edit over 4 years ago by Seattle Municipal Archives
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