Membership receipt; Farm bureau consortium to John N. Bentley, 1950



Membership receipt;  Farm bureau consortium to John N. Bentley, 1950

Membership receipt; Farm bureau consortium to John N. Bentley, 1950

Duplicate To be given as a reciept member.

Joint Membership Agreement #8

The undersigned hereby applies for membership in the Montg COUNTY FARM BUREAU, the MARYLAND FARM BUREAU. INC., and the AMERICAN FARM BUREAU FEDERATION for the three year period beginning with the date of this contract and at the end of the three year period, from year to year thereafter, unless cancelled by either party.

In consideration of the rights, benefits, and privileges accruing to me as a member of the Farm Bereau, I hereby pay ten dollars ($10.00) for the first year's dues beginning (Nov) 1st, 1950. Also, give my checks for 10.00 each (dated one and two years from above date) in payment of my second and third years' dues. 1 yr ck

IT IS AGREED that five dollars ($5.00) of this sum is annual dues in the County Farm Bureau, and that five dollars ($5.00) is annual dues in the Maryland Farm Bureau, Inc., fifty cents to be applied as a year's subscription to the Maryland Farm Bureau News Letter, and fifty cents as annual dues to the American Farm Bureau Federation, of which latter amount twenty-five cents is to be applied as year's subscription to the Nation's Agriculture. We understand that if accepted as a member we are bound by the articles of incorporation and the by-laws thereof.

Signed John N. Bentley R. F. D. No. State Md P. O. Address Sandy Spring Witness J.J. Houtton Solicitor

Last edit 6 months ago by Sandy Spring Museum
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