Page 8




Status: Incomplete

Graham, Anderson, Probst & White
Archtects - Engineers
Railway Exchange, Chicago 4
Marvin G. Probst
Edward E. Probst

cattle to the pen. After we left the next day one
of the sons was shot, the cattle had broken
down one pen & gotten mixed with some poorer
stock. When the buyer claimed he was getting
what he had brought a man was killed in an
ensuring fight.

Driving home with "Mitch" I noticed a bird lying on
the side of the road, it turned out to be a
prairie chicken, it had flown into a telephone wire and
broken its neck. I left in the next town & had it mounted.
"Mitch siad they fly low & fast going to roost & often
hit wires. One evening some friends droped in to see
the Mitchells & his mother told him to ride into Franklyn
& get some meat for supper. He started to the coral &
a bunch of Prairie Chickens flew over the house & three
birds fell in the yard. He took them to the woodpile
chopped off their heads & took them to the kitchen for
supper. It was a wonderful trip & I'll never forget
it & especially the good times we had together. Mitch
caught some coyotes while I was there. The dogs in
the back of the crate would watch of coyotes while
we drove over the Nebraska hills. When we or they

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