Page 4




Status: Needs Review

I am always so happy in my
life with thoughts of thee and Jean,
and good book companions that
solitude is always welcome to me-
I love to be alone, and so have
not felt the confinement at all-
but the heat, "mon dieu"

A letter yesterday from Marie T
[Elisie?] which I enclose - I did
not even guess why they wanted to
know about Mr. MacCurdy - am
soprry we can do nothing for them
but even if we knew the gentleman
in question it would be treading
on delicate ground to recommend
a man about whose business abilities
we know absolutely nothing

Am glad thee has heard from
Fred Hicks - hope thee will get the

portrait to do, and the Autumn
will just siut thee. Father goes
to New York on Monday - he
has had his bags down since
Friday - I am glad he is going
to the Catskills - he sends thee
a special message, and hopes thee
will be able to go too. Is thee
getting any good watermelons -
they are better this year than
I have ever known them - it
is a true [?] fruit and
certainly fits marvelously well into
a [shell?] of we [?] like the present.

Cousin [Eileu?] F. called not long
back - in quired particularly for
thee. I worked down to the

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