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40 [degrees] Cloudy & Threatening Variable
Ther. THURS, MAR. 23d, 1899 Wind
Cloudy & threatening this
morning but clearing before noon
with high wind from N.W. and
continued blowing until after
sun set. I walked down to
Chas. G. Porter's before lunch, and
went over the account betweene
us and gave him a due bill
for the ballance due him to the
first of February just passed.
Went up to Henderson's for the
papers, and to the store and
P.O. After supper I went to the
toll house to see about getting
my tobacco from Rockville
sent there by Mr W.E.Lewis from
near Clarksburg. Edwd went
next door again to play whist.
The verses "Our new Dance" by
an Anti Expansionist" was published
in today's issue of the
Balto. Daily Sun

30 [degrees] Clear N.W.
Ther. FRI. MAR. 24th, 1899 Wind
Quite cold this morning and
indeed all day as the wind
blew strong from N.W. from
sun rise to sun set, when it
calmed down, but is still
cold and will freeze even
harder tonight than it did
last night. I went to the P.O.
and to Fairall's office before
& afternoon. Willie was here
towards evening and took
Edwd to "Fairfield" with him
to help him do some weaving
for us. We heard today of
my "Antiexpansion lines"
having been published in
the Balto: "Daily Sun" newspaper:
they having been sent
to it by Frank Lizear Jr,

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