Page 83




Status: Complete

3rd Do you furnish a stove to your tenants
where the house has only a flue?
Yes 1 No 7,
4th What is it worth to dig an ice house
12 ft in diameter and 12 ft deep ?
1 says $ 1500. 4 -$ 10.00 . 1 - $12.00 . 1 - $ 8.00
5th Shall I buy stock cattle to feed surplus
fodder to ? Yes 9. No 3.
6th What is it worth to winter a 6 months
old colt ? average $2.65.
7th How can I find out the dogs that killed my
sheep ? Kill every dog that comes on your
place. The innocent may suffer with the
guilty, --- but then it is only a dog after all.
8th What shall I do about a neighbors poultry
that injures my wheat ?
It is unneighborley but effectual to shoot
The latest light upon the Annual ice
- house question is to dig 14 ft deep

Adjourned to
Fred Stablers.

Notes and Questions

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On line 1, the # '78' is stamped in the color charcoal grey on the upper left-hand corner of the page.


In line 6, this writer starts the 'a' in the word 'and' at a little above mid-line and comes down into the 'n', then ends with the 'd' on the line.


In line 7, the quotation mark at the end is 1/3 of the way from the bottom of the line.


In line 15, the line '---' is unbroken.