Page 109




Status: Complete

2 When to sow wheat this dry season ?. Don't
stop on that account , the wheat will lie
dormant until the rain comes.
3 With 20 acres of corn land plowed shall
I sow it in wheat or rye ? 4 say wheat, 4 rye .
4 What would you sell corn for from the field ?
7 say 4.00, 2 say $5.00 , 1, $4 50.
5 What to do with last years stubble field
plowed late for wheat very dry and cloddy ?
Most advise to roll and harrow until in condition
and then sow immediately
6 Shall we raise wages to hands in view of
the high price of provisions ?
It was generally agreed that they should be
raised about $2.00 a month to yard hands who
boarded themselves.
7 What was paid per acre for corn-cutting ?
One dollar per acre .
8 How much wheat sown by mem bers ?
R. M. Stabler 11 acres R. B. Farquhar 57 acres
P. T. " 22 " Gran. F " 20 "
Arthur " 39 " J. T. Moore 66 "
Fred " 33 1/2 W. W. " 53 "
Asa M. " 53 1/2 E. P. Thomas 33
Sam. Hopkins 45 B. H. Miller 55
Wm. S. Brooke 20 C. H. Brooke 51
Wm. S. Bond 12 Thos. J. Lea 15
--- ------
235 350
9 How near to woods shall I sow wheat ?
Not profitable nearer than 30 feet.

Notes and Questions

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On line 1, The # '104' is stamped in charcoal grey on the upper left-hand corner of the page.


On line 2, the # '2' starts the line. It is half-sized and starts at the top of the line and ends in the middle of the line.


The transcribed lines 29,30,31, are an expanded version of line 29 from the text. I do not have the knowledge to use transcription tools, if there are any, to do this any other way.
Line 29, under the # '12' from line 28, has a two-space solid line at the top of the line, and the # 235 (half-size numbers), starting on the line and arcing to half line.
Line 29, under the # '15' from line 29, has a five-space solid line at the top of the line, and the # 350
(half-size numbers). The # 235 is under the # 350. All three, the line and the numbers all slant together diagonally from the mid-bottom of the line to the top of the line, with the line actually crossing half way into line 28.


Line 32 of the transcription is actually line 30 of the text.


Line 33 of the transcription is actually line 31 of the text.


As an aside, the number for the first column of acres is actually 236, not the writer's '235'.
I think the writer missed the 1/2 acres.