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Status: Needs Review

Lulworth Meeting, Home Interest. Dec. 22, 1931

Some did not try, some stayed away
Some "Pshaw, Forgot", some would not play.
Some gave the threadbare "Donts" and "Dos",
"Clean out the ice house" or what you choose.
"Scrub down this", "clean up that",
"Dont use the telephone to chat".
"Plant this here", "Sow that out there",
"Dont let the southeren field go bare

Clippings are read and jokes are told
While we just sit or laugh or scold
Knowing, and this we must each confess,
Our futile try will add nothingness;
Because the bug-a-boo, - the word
Can not be solved. It's just absurd.
For all these definitions brought
Togather, can not make forethought

So lets give up this futile thing
We have been doing from Spring to Spring.
But if this branch must be part of the trunk
Lets change the name from Forethought to BUNK.

There being no new business, Edith Thomas read an inter-
esting article by the HUGH WALPOLE, entitled "Has Christmas survived
the Machine Age?".

Margaret Bancroft will provide the paper for the next


Mrs. Weld: What time is the best to prune raspberries?
In the fall. Cut out old cane.

Mrs. Tompson: What is the best time for trimming grape vines?
In the Spring, while still dormant.

Mrs. Tilton: How old is this society?
First meeting about 1870

Mr. Hurrrey has barred rock pullets which should be laying
but are not. Why? Many various answers.
I hope he found out why, nut I doubt it.

Mrs. FTomas Are turnips and beets good for chickens?
Beets yes. Turnips no.

Mrs. LeMoore Announces there is a poet in the neighborhood
Phillips Putman, by name, in the Elbrey home.

Mrs. S Brooke Concerned abbout behavior of boys on Hallo'een

Mrs. D.Stabler Asked to be executed from forethought committe
Mrs. E. Coulter put in her place with Mr. Hurrey

Mrs. Weld. Was it wise to burn our field?
Sentiment against doing so.

A [delightful?] bridge at Mrs. Proberts on Dec 28
for Social Service, sponsered by Wed. Club was

The next time plans of meeting are Drayton,
[Slaydside?] and Retreat. Meeting adjourned to Drayton
Margaret F Fussell (sec for time)

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