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Status: Needs Review

H/10/1920 -7- 167

ever given to the museum.

The first question asked was - What is
the proper time to pick Keifer pears?
One said there is no time - they just drop.
Let them hang on the trees as long as they
can, then pick. They are not worth selling,
but pick them carefully, wrap in paper &
they will last until spring.

Apples are picked in a pile, what is the
best way to keep them? Just let them
stay in a pile - uncovered. The Pres.
suggested putting weeds over them, they
are not tight like straw.

What was the trouble with the grape
vines, they grew yards & yards, but no
grapes. Likely too much trimmed,
the bearing vines probably trimmed off.

Must Mrs. Davis put boan meal on
flower garden this fall? Cousin Mary
[Bund?] used to say to put on as thick
as you want, any time of year. [With?]
nitrate of soda in the spring - while
plant is growing.

White [clematis?] was [quite killed?] last
year - it was cut down & did so well,
must it be done each year? Some
cut back each year.

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