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Status: Complete

H/10/1928 -2-

Trees of the Nation. In 1929 Barbara Bayne will
Plant a Mothers Tree, Tall white Birch in Calafor-
using the spade used in planting the tree in the
White House grounds in memory of the Mothers of the

There were no voluntary articles,
Forethought read how equipment meant success to the
farmer as to other business.

Assistant Secretary told of a large exhibit in
fruit and flowers and vegetables in spite of bean
beetles and Peruvian pests. Ashland Farm had a
beautiful flower arrangement, and Albert Stabler
showed a variety of apples.

Mr. Weld asked about how to best care for Ivy
brought from his old home in England, several offered
suggestions for rooting. Mr. A.G. Thomas ask-
about dewberries. They are easier to manage than
blackberries, and thought very desirable to those
who grow them. Mr. Thomas offered a clipping telling
of a new variety called the Young. This variety
is widely established in the south, Alabama ships
carloads of this berry to northern markets. Plant
dewberries in a row rather than is hills.

Anna Farquhar announced her purpose of having a Horticultural
exhibit next Autumn, asking for volunteer
helpers. Mary Stabler and Mrs. Hagerman offered to
assist her. The

The annual question, how alte to trim lawns was
asked. The general opinion seems to be, not after
September first. How much to trim currants was anot
another question. Cut out dead wood in the fall
This applies to all small fruit. For the safty
of pedestrians, especially children, walking on
the right hand side of the road, facing traffic,
is urged.

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