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Status: Complete

H/10/1929 -1-

April 1st. 1930

October first the Horticultural
assembled at Norwood. In spite of wind and
rain the attendance was good. Norwood, always
so full of gracious hospitality opened
wide her doors to receive and welcome us.
The meeting was called to order by the
Chairman, and the usual order of business

At our previous meeting the use
of Mulch paper was not approved and was so reported
in the minutes. A differance of opinion
arose at this meeting. Mr. Bancroft reported
tests of tomatoes and cauliflower being made
with, and without mulch paper. In both the
use of the paper was found beneficial, a more
rapid growth being one of the results. Other
members had good reports of the merit and
satisfaction of mulch paper.

Anna Farquhar read useful information
on Bulbs, in the house for winter bloom,
and the care of those in the garden. Bone
meal is important. Cut back the Peonies
before adding fresh soil. Wood ashes were recommended
for Lillies.

Mrs. Massey also told of a new
plant reported from Mass, a graft of tomato
and potato.

Forethought read on Bulbs, and
packing away the garden winter vegetables.
This is best after a freeze,

The assistant secretary, Edith Green

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Like with the minutes of 1929, it looks like this first entry of the year is actually the minutes of the meeting that took place the previous October. Should these maybe be grouped differently?