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Status: Complete

H/5/1930 -2.

practical suggestions for the coming month. Her idea
of an annual Garden Pilgrimage to all the
Horticultural Gardens before one meeting met
a ready response, and the discussion was referred
to the next meeting.

Sallie Brooke and others told
of the unusual number and fearlessness of moles
which this Spring cross roads and move about on
the grass of lawns. Helen Hallowell told of having
enjoyed a talk by Mrs. Cran, an English Woman who
expects to add a book about American Gardens to
others she has written of Gardens elsewhere. She
considered the Charleston Magnolia Gardens the most
beautiful in the world, but thinks the United States
crazy in regard to Box Bushes.

The poultry report showed that there
were only 1120 chickens at the homes of the
members present, and that 800 of these were at
Lulworth which gave us an added reason for being
glad the Welds joined the Horticultural.

The Secretary cast the unamious vote
of the Sociely for Mr. & Mrs. Hurry as members.


The questions brought out advise not
to cut down Iris, to trim off the faded flowers
of Narcissus, to divide large peonies and give dahlias
room to grow large. The Specimem tables were
full, but while they were being examined many eyes
were turned to the dogwood on the lawn with the
remark that they were the most beautiful they
had ever seen.

Much regret was felt that our
Secretary was absent and the desire was that this
feeling should be expressed to her.

Adjourned to Tanglewood June 3rd.
M. Magruder, Sec, P. T.

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