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My companions on board felt
my disappointment at bringing back
no meat - but infinite gladness took the
place of [regret?] when they heard the great news
of the new passage through the hummocks
- Petersen began instantly to prepare
his wardrobe and I arranged an
Eight day party - to start as soon
as the tempestuous weather subsides [settle down and drifts]
Four days have rolled by but - as yet
we dare not venture out.

That there is no time for delay this health table will show.

Henry Brooks Unable any longer to go on deck, With difficulty we carry him from his berth to a cushioned locker.
Mr. McGeary Less helpless but off duty and Saturated with [unclear]Vesicular[/unclear] Scurvy, Cannot sleep.
Mr. Wilson Down abed, case severe, purpuric blotches and nodes on limbs.
George Riley Abed, limbs less stiff, gums better, unable to do duty.
Thomas Hickey The cook cannot keep his legs many days more, already swelled and blotched.
William Morton Down with [unclear]p? b?[/unclear] not available
Mr. Goodfellow Scurvied gums but generally well

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